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I Am A Mentor Day

I Am A Mentor Day is an annual celebration marked on January 7 in honor of the mentors who play a vital role in people’s lives. Mentoring as a concept has gained momentum in recent years. People have emerged specifically as mentors who specialize in training and inspiring the youth towards good careers and lifestyles1.

History of I Am a Mentor Day: Mentors have co-existed in our society since ancient times. They have existed in the form of our parents, teachers, friends, or someone we feel comfortable around. Generally, parents are excluded from the list of people who can become mentors because it is their duty to guide their children. A mentor, according to largely accepted standards, is someone outside the immediate family who listens to you, makes you aware of your inner strengths, and nurtures you towards success. Throughout history, notable figures like Aristotle, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett, David, and Tabrez have played their part as mentors who raised pupils even better than themselves. The concept of mentoring is crucial in bridging the generation gap and helping young people feel welcomed, understood, appreciated, and secureI Am A Mentor Day aims to encourage all those who have a hidden mentor in them to rise up and share their experiences1.

So, let’s celebrate and appreciate the mentors who guide and inspire us!

January 1

National Mentoring Month

January 17

International Mentoring Day